Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chemo Day 2

Day 2 started with "the return of the hiccups" at 4am. Since the initial round was cured (via barforama), I hadn't gone to the pharmacy for the medication. I put my shoes on (still dressed from the night before) and
went to get the medicine
to fix the problem
that the other medicines caused.
On my way out of the garage, I kicked the "hazmat box" that is a reminder that Ron's medicine
which is the best option to extend his time here
is basically a known hazardous material.
Which leads me to my most famous rant,"All the money spent to develop viagra and still the best we have for cancer patients is poison? Shame on you pharmaceutical companies!"
Back to Day 2:I return with the meds to my hiccuping husband who takes the pill with a swoosh of water and then...another bucket brigade. I still don't know if the pill stops the hiccups or the barfing!
We do manage some sleep from 5am until 8am. I called the chemo lab and they want him in for an IV to hydrate and some "better" nausea meds. Ron "drank" his IV and had a sleep. I went to get my own IV from Starbucks. When I returned Ron was still resting so I pushed a chair next to a wall and leaned my head over to sleep. Sleeping in a chair - in a hospital- is a skill I learned when my Mom battled lung cancer.
It is now 3pm, Ron is resting, his chemo pump makes a funny sound every few minutes but he sleeps through it. Hopefully he can have a cracker and keep some water or juice in him later. I received a gift of buckets from my sister today. One for the car, upstairs, downstairs, and backup. Did you keep the receipt??? Maybe he won't be sick again....hiccup....

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